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Why Should You Buy YouTube Views?
Buy YouTube views for higher exposure! When you are browsing through YouTube and looking for something interesting to watch, what types of video content are you willing to click? We bet you that you are probably going to pick the video with the most views. Generally, view rates are how we decide if a video is worth watching or not. That being said, it’s not that easy to get to the number one spot. If you struggle with getting enough views on your videos, we can help you with that. You can buy YouTube views from us as it is one of our best-selling products.
Can this service help me reach 4,000 hours of view time required for monetization and partnership?
Yes! When you get YouTube views, the video you targeted will be watched from start to end by the specific amount of accounts you decided. With this service, you can easily surpass the 4,000 hours limit.
Is it possible for YouTube to realize I'm not getting genuine views?
It’s not likely. Since there isn’t a list called “viewers,” or such, it’s almost impossible for YouTube to catch you red-handed. It’s not so much different than asking a friend to watch your video.
Can my number of views decrease over time?
No! It’s not possible to lose your video views. Those views are intended to stay on your profile for a remarkable period. We can clearly say those views are going to remain intact on your account.
Does rewatching a video counts as a view?
Yes, if you replay and watch more than 30 seconds, it counts as a view.
How are YouTubers paid?
They are paid with the advertisements they optimize with AdSense.
Is it illegal to buy YouTube views?
Paying people to see your videos is not illegal, so no.
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How can I get 4000 hours of watch time quickly?
If you want to get 4000 watch hours fast, you can have a look at our YouTube Watch Hours service.